Thursday, October 20, 2005

On Assignment

Manders laid down the challenge: a Thursday Thirteen scavenger hunt. Go there for the list, and give it a whirl.

Here are my entries:

1. CCCS: "Fusing Faith and Learning" (so what's that--"flairning"?)
2. The author of "Ghostwritten."
3. The view from my balcony (sort of).
4. "And if God would send His angels..."
5. Had no idea how big of a dork Manders is.
6. *clap clap clap clap*
7. A timeout, to know, some advice (and arms, apparently), Firefox and BugMeNot, and plywood (how'd they know?).
8. I hate to pick favorites, but when asked about my favorite blog post ever, this one came to mind first.
9. In lovely Santa Cruz, CA. (Try the BLT!)
10. Celebrity doing something it.
11. Most. Annoying Song. Ever.
12. "You look like you're going to a funeral." "Maybe I am."
13. As much as I hate "Christian versions" of already cool things, I can't help but point you toward a news-parody site (like "The Onion") that's made for church folks. Good for a few laughs.

If you want to take part, consider yourself "tagged."

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