"And I am a writer, writer of fictions / I am the heart that you call home / And I've written pages upon pages / trying to rid you from my bones..." -- "The Engine Driver" by The Decemberists
[**Apparently, they won't get to use that name anymore, thanks to a lawsuit from another band of the same name. If they pick former dinner-club-siren Dilana, maybe they can call themselves "Suppernova"?]
So here we are, friends and lovers. The finale of "RockStar: Supernova." To quote a long-overused line, "What a long, strange trip it's been."
We are down to the final four: two I expected, and two I did not. Lukas and Dilana, I called from the beginning. But I frankly figured that my dear sweet Stormy and the "Dark Horse," Ryan Star, would make it this far. However, Magni and Toby have clearly shown themselves to be worthy of the spotlight.
Rather than rehash all the drama of the past month, I will simply review last night's performance episode and make my prediction for tonight.
Last night's performance episode was a first for me, in that I enjoyed every single performance. I know, I'm shocked myself. Even Dramilana, who is the show's "villain," was good.
The show started out with the fan-favorite choice, Mr. Ryan Star, and his original track, "Back of Your Car." (Note: Mildly scandalous. FYI.) A good track, I think. I like his performance style.
Each of the four finalists performed their original again, along with a cover. Lukas was the only one who did something different with his. And the rock song actually got even better as an acoustic ballad.
The thing about Lukas is, either you love his style or you despise it. There doesn't seem to be any middle ground. For some reason, it works for me.
He also did a cover of Coldplay's "Fix You" that gave me a chill or two.
Dilana's version of "Roxanne" was actually pretty good, and it was a nice touch to have the other finalists as her back-up singers. (Though I'm pretty sure she flashed the camera, which kinda grossed me out.)
Magni's version of "Hush" was really good. He's a really "magnetic" performer, when he digs the material. Sometimes, he tends to disappear, performance-wise. That could be a problem for him.
Okay, I'll take back the statement earlier. I didn't love Toby's cover of "Karma Police," really because I expected more from him than I got. However, since i'm such a sucker for his original track "Throw it Away," I'll let that go.
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